Stopping the pill can be scary for multiple reasons: lack of birth control and return of symptoms (i.e. cramps, acne).

But if you do it correctly by

1. Tracking your cycle

2. Nourishing with real foods

3. Supplements

I promise you your future self will thank you. Getting to the root of your symptoms is life-changing. You don’t know what red flags you’re ignoring until you rip off the band aid (hormonal birth control).


1. Order these supplements to ensure proper nutrition to heal what the Hormone Birth Control bandaid depleted.

Methylated B-Complex

Vitamin C



Fish-Oil or eat fish at least 3x/wk

Vitamin D


2. Eat nourishing foods: groceries and recipes listed for each phase of your cycle in THE GIRLS ROOM

3. Track your cycle: This will help you to 1. Prevent pregnancy by learning when you ovulate and 2. Nourish you body so your hormones are balanced resulting in a healthy body, brain, and gut.