

It depletes us of so many health benefits - mental & physical - and causes more serious health issues the longer we use it and suppress ovulation.

((Quick personal journey: I was prescribed Birth Control pills in High School to solve intensely painful cramps. Great. What did I know. It sounded like a power move to me. As a young health enthusiast and a Kinesiology major in college, I paid close attention to the way my body changed with the pills. I enjoyed the benefits at first: clear skin, full breasts, predictable and controllable cycle, no cramps. One year I gained some weight, attributed it to the pills, decided to try going without them, then got back on when I wanted to clear my skin up. I got off when I wasn’t experiencing a bleed, got back on to control my cycle, etc. I quit for good at 22 when I wanted to get to the bottom of my weight fluctuations, skin, digestion issues, and mental health. I couldn’t accomplish finding the root of the problem with a bandage for the symptoms. Trust me, I get the appeal of the pill. But read on.))

birth control pills are synthetic hormones

These hormonal tic-tacs you’re popping are repressing your natural cycle, decreasing your gut flora, & blocking nutrient absorption and hormone production needed for bone, heart, liver, gut, and brain health. If an organ in your body is underperforming you might be blinded to your body’s red flags that are attempting to signal an imbalance or health concern. Birth control pills inhibit ovulation which block the production of Progesterone. Progesterone helps prevent osteoporosis, stroke, dementia, heart disease, breast cancer, inflammation, gut issues, mood disorders/depression, migraines, and autoimmune diseases.

Wouldn’t you love to be more in-tune?

what does being in-tune with your cycle look like

Without hormonal birth control you will:

  • Reap the benefits of your natural levels of Progesterone: disease prevention, improved sleep cycles, decreased PMS, mood stabilization: decreased anxiety & depression, longevity, and reduced inflammation.

  • Achieve healthier digestion and improved nutrient absorption (this is huge as many diseases in the body are fueled by these issues).

  • Recognize your body’s cues and be able to honor them.

  • Avoid or achieve pregnancy by understanding your body.

  • Heal your hormonal imbalance symptoms (acne, weight gain, breast tenderness, painful cramps, moodiness, low libido).

when you’re ready

If you have any underlying causes of hormonal imbalances, coming off the pill may be more difficult/symptomatic for you.

Talk to your OBGYN before you make the decision as they may have insight based on your personal medical history.

Be prepared with temporary supplements to correct nutrient depletion caused by HBC. Suggestions listed in “The Girls Room”.

Follow an anti-inflammatory diet, avoiding refined sugar, gluten, and dairy. Recipes and grocery lists are available in “The Girls Room”.

If you have a history of endometriosis, fibroids, bloating, IBS, SIBO, Hashimoto’s, or MS, I suggest working with a Functional Medicine Practitioner while using the tools in “The Girls Room”.

enter the girls room

There are absolutely zero negative side effects to using The Girls Room to nourish, honor, and heal your body.