Fasting XXXposed
Still Confused?
1. Eat an early dinner. Blue hair special. Your body does most of its repairing at night - don’t delay this by eating before bed. Which brings me to my next point ➡️
2. *Do not* just wake up every morning and try to see how long you can go without eating. It’s not healthy for you psychologically (you could have guessed that) OR PHYSICALLY. Your body will prepare for this routine and not expend as much energy. If you eat an earlier dinner, you won’t have this problem.
3. Drink water: your body is breaking ish down. Help these toxins evacuate by flushing them.
4. TWO leading benefits of fasting: 1. Autophagy 🧬 = the breakdown of bad/damaged DNA (chronic illness prevention). 2. Fat burn 🔥 fat cells utilized for energy because all your glycogen stores were depleted in the first 12hrs of your fast.
5. “WTH breaks my fast?!” Great question...and I don’t have a direct answer - bc there isn’t one. Not enough research has been done, but in the meantime - keep doing your best and stop trying to cut corners. Stick with water for as long as you can (12hrs minimum). If you want coffee, drink it black. If you want celery juice, go for it. Celery juice should be just the salts and salt (as far as we know) doesn’t break fast. I like to rest my digestive system as long as I can (water only) and in my opinion, these things disrupt that. There has been research that it doesn’t disrupt autophagy and fat breakdown. So if you can’t do just water for 16hrs - black coffee and/or celery juice should be fine.
More research is always being done so stay tuned; as soon as I find anything I will pass it along.
6. I recommend breaking your fast with something small and not solely carb based 20-30 min before your meal. Ease your body back into digestion. I like to break mine with bone broth and my fish oil (sounds delicious, right) or celery juice orr coffee with nut milk or matcha orr soup orrr snacking on my smoothie ingredients before I make my smoothie.